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Newsletter July-Oct 2012

April 2012


The village will celebrate the Diamond Jubilee on
Sunday 3rd June with a “Jubilee Jamboree Tea” on Melsonby Village Green and a scarecrow trail with a ROYAL theme (more details later)

Other dates for your diary:

The Annual School Duck Race will take place on 22nd May.  Ducks will be on sale soon, £1 each.  There are many prizes to be won The Village Sports Day will be on Saturday 23rd June

with a special Olympic Theme.

(More details later).

Our last meeting was held on 21 MARCH 2012

Noticeboard: Cllr Angus will contact Star Projects so that the old board can be replaced. Village Green wall: RDC & Highways are unable to help fund the repairs. The clerk will contact John Proudlock to see if he would like to proceed with the job. Library Service: The library opened on 25th February with a children’s story time. Sandra Rees will help run the library and Ian Simpson is happy to help with the collection of the books. The library has also been provided with some extra books and the bookcases are now full. Play Parks Consultation: The expense information was provided by Gary Hudson and at the Finance meeting it was agreed that the precept would increase by £2000/year to deal with the play parks. Cllr Conachy attended a training meeting, but said this was only an outline and that further courses would be needed. The clerk will contact Gary Hudson to arrange a separate meeting on the handing over of the play parks.  Allotment Lease: The Allotment Association have changed their committee and responded to the proposed rent review in writing, outlining their running costs. The clerk sent this letter to Hambleton legal services who are dealing with the lease renewal. The letter is to be presented at the Asset Management group meeting on 22nd March and the clerk will make a meeting with Gary Hudson to discuss the way forward from here. Cllr Jimmy W-P will also contact Gary Hudson on this matter. Cleaning the beck/Big Tidy Up: The clerk has written to all householders who have property on the banks of the beck to ask if they would consider keeping their area of the beck well maintained. In addition, it was decided to combine a cleaning the beck day with the Big Tidy Up. This will be held on 14th April. A Risk Assessment will need to be competed for the beck cleaning and Highways need to be informed. It was suggested they may lend us the necessary signage. In addition the clerk will contact David Holdridge who is a volunteer for litter collecting around the village. Jubilee Celebrations:  Melsonby School will have a week of celebrations. Cllr Stansfield suggested that some members of the WI would like to have a tea party on the green. It was decided to call the tea a “Jubilee Jamboree” and hold it on Sunday 3rd June. The clerk will ask Sally Williamson if she would like to follow the afternoon tea with a pub Jubilee Quiz or similar activity. The clerk will inform PC Wilbor of the Jamboree and Olympic Sports Day on 23rd June. Burial costs: It had been agreed at the Finance meeting that costs would increase in line with those for the cemetery on Reeth Road and that these costs will come in on April 1st 2012. The clerk will send these costs to Blenkirons, the Co-op and the stone masons. Planning: There was a discussion about the housing issue at Thorndale. Finance: The clerk sent RDC the new figure for the precept which was agreed at the Finance meeting. Cllr Angus  circulated some example Risk Assessment forms and the most suitable was chosen and adapted for Melsonby. The Risk Assessment was agreed and accepted.  The clerk discussed the advantages of joining YLCA at this time and the Cllrs agreed. The clerk also presented the new budget; this was agreed. Clerk’s Report: This had been circulated prior to the meeting giving planning and financial details.  Parish Plan & parish survey document & consultation: The clerk referred to the benefits of the parish plan especially in the creation of the new budget. Cllr Stnsfield will update as necessary, to include the library and notice board. Village SOS: At a meeting in February it was decided to pull out of round two of the SOS bid. At this point in time it was not appropriate to continue with the bid. A meeting is arranged with Richmond PO to consider the possibility of an Outreach service in the pub. There is a new round of funding opening in April 2012. Vandalism: No recent vandalism was reported. Correspondence: The clerk’s report dealt with correspondence, but a number of items were discussed: An email had been received about some disturbing behaviour by youths; this was passed to PC Wilbor. In addition a resident had complained about litter on Jagger Lane; the resident has now become a volunteer and been provided with a litter picker and high vis jacket by RDC.  Thank you!

DOG FOULING  Continues to be a problem. Please can dog owners pick up after their dogs. Also residents are encouraged to use the signs provided by Melsonby School children

AOB: Street lights– the clerk will look into this again. Jubilee scarecrows – the clerk will contact Lisa Pratt. Parking – the clerk mentioned the increasing problem of parking. Since the meeting an update on the data recorders has come in and there have been a number of speeding tickets given on Moor Road.  Monitoring will continue.

The meeting closed at 9.20 pm.

The next meeting will be May 23rd 2012 – note change of date.



Please see clerk for details.

Visit the website at:

If there are any groups or clubs that would like to have their information and details of events on the website, please send an email to the parish clerk at:

Visit the website at:

If there are any groups or clubs that would like to have their information and details of events on the website, please send an email to the parish clerk at:

9.00 TO 9-30
9-30 TO 10-00
10-00 TO 10-30
10-30 TO 11-00
11-00 TO 11-30
11-30 TO 12-00

 January 2012


Visit it at:

If there are any groups or clubs that would like to have their information and details of events on the website, please send an email to the parish clerk at:

Have you any ideas how Melsonby can celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee?

Our last meeting was held on 11 January 2012

Noticeboard: Cllr Stansfield applied for the Area Partnership grant to gain funding for a new notice board and was successful in the bid. Discussion around the exact type and number of boards continues.

Village Green wall: The action from the Finance meeting was that the clerk would contact RDC & Highways to establish if they could do the repairs. The clerk has emailed the necessary people but has not had any success to date with funding the work.

Library Service: The clerk has now had confirmation from the library that a library service can be started in the pub. However, there is no timescale as the library has other issues to deal with currently. The clerk will continue to pursue this to get a start date.

 Play Parks Consultation: The action from the Finance meeting was that the clerk would contact Gary Hudson for the expenses for maintaining the parks for the last 5 years. Gary hopes to provide us with at least 2 years finances soon.

Allotment Lease: The clerk and the Allotment Association have been involved in discussions surrounding the increase in the Allotment Rent. The clerk will continue to work with the Allotment Association to try to reduce the increase from RDC. Discussions continue around the £157 payment for the rent valuation. The Allotment Association will look at their own running costs and especially the cost of the Produce Show.

Cleaning the beck: It was agreed that no action would be taken at this time to clean the beck, but that prior to the Duck Race the impact of the spring growth would be looked at. The clerk will contact the PTA to look into the idea of a “joint” cleaning of the beck. The clerk will also write to all householders who are on the banks of the beck to ask if they would consider keeping their area of the beck well maintained.

Finance: The clerk will send in to RDC the new figure for the precept which was agreed at the Finance meeting. Cllr Angus had located a number of example Risk Assessment forms and the clerk suggested she work with Cllr Angus to produce a suitable Risk Assessment and bring it to the next meeting.

Burial costs: It had been agreed at the Finance meeting that costs would increase in line with those in the area. The clerk will put together the new figures for the burial file and bring to the next meeting.

Parish Plan & parish survey document & consultation: Cllr Stansfield suggested that this be kept as an agenda item for each meeting and updated as necessary.

Village SOS: This item will be added to the next agenda to consider how to set up a Community Enterprise Committee.


1. Wall on West Road – in need of repair. Clerk will contact Highways.

2. Street light no.24 – to replace bulb (already being dealt with)

3. Pot holes – these have been mended.

4. Other street lights – clerk will look into this.

5. Stiles – in need of repair on entrance to “Mr Todd’s” field

6. Dog fouling – this is particularly bad at present. Cllr Conachy will replace the signs.

The meeting closed at 8.58 pm.

The next meeting will be March 21st 2012


The Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996 is enforceable across the entire district. The law applies to any land  to which the public are entitled or permitted to have access. This includes highways with a speed limit of 40 mph or less; pavements; verges; open spaces such as village greens, parks and play areas; and public rights of way such as footpaths and bridleways.

Owners must clear up after their dogs! That can be done by using a ‘poop scoop’ or plastic bag – anything that will safely remove the faeces from the land. They can be disposed of  in a dog waste bin. In a sealed bag.

If a dog defecates at any time on designated land AND the person in charge of the dog at that time fails to remove the faeces forthwith, that person is guilty of an offence. Penalty for such an offence is £50 FPN (fixed penalty notice) or if the above fine is left unpaid or contested the Council will take action through the magistrates court which carries fines of up to £1000,

(taken from )


PC J. Wilbor attended the meeting and spoke about the current vandalism situation. Youths in the village vandalised the church windows and turned the church oil tank off in December. The church yard is out of bounds for youths. In addition there were a number of cases of wing mirror damage on Moor Road in December and also 4 catalytic converters were taken from vehicles during the early hours on a weekend. There are more Police patrols in place and if any resident sees anything suspicious they are to report it to the Police immediately. An address is also being targeted on West Road.  This vandalism and anti-social behaviour is causing stress and anxiety to the elderly residents of Melsonby .

The new 101 number is now available for non-emergency Police calls to make it easier for the public to contact their local police force. From 12 December 2011 communities across North Yorkshire now have access to 101, the national non-emergency telephone number for the police service. Calls to 101 will cost 15 pence per call, no matter how long you are on the phone – this applies to both landlines and mobile phones .


There has been a suggestion that regular coffee mornings could be held at the Black Bull where a club /group /charity pay a small hire fee but keep any profits. Anyone interested should initially contact the clerk, so that interest can be gauged for a scheme to be set up.

December 2011

For the latest information visit the website at:

If there are any groups or clubs that would like to have their information and details of events on the website, please send an email to the parish clerk at:

Our last Parish Council meeting was held on  16 November.

Minutes of Last Meeting

Copse: Gary Hudson has responded with information about the ownership of the copse. NYCC own the copse, but do not maintain it, however any vegetation hanging over the road will be dealt with by Highways.

Parish Plan & parish survey document & consultation: Cllr Stansfield has produced the results of the survey and it was agreed to formally accept the action plan.

Noticeboard: Cllr Stansfield has applied for the North Richmondshire Community Partnership grant to gain funding for a new notice board which is needed for the village green. Cllr Elrington is waiting to get a quote for a board.

Church Yard Bin collection volunteer: The clerk still needs to write and thank Stephen Harwood who has put the bin out for collection for a number of years. Tim Humble has kindly volunteered to take on this duty.

Village green wall: The clerk now has two quotes. This matter will be discussed at the forthcoming Finance meeting on December 14th  at 7.30pm.

Complaint of wall in St James update: A further meeting was held at the wall on November 6th at 10-30am with Alison and Neil Everard.

Library Service: The clerk is waiting for confirmation from the library service as to whether a library service can be started in the pub. Cllr Stansfield and the clerk, and also Sandra Rees have visited Hudswell Pub to see their library service. The clerk will again contact the library to expedite a start date.

Play Parks Consultation: A meeting was held on October 27th to discuss the future of the play parks and a document was prepared in response. Gary Hudson emailed a reply which answers all the queries outlined by the PC and the financial implications of this will be discussed at the finance meeting.

Allotment Lease: The clerk briefed a meeting of the Allotment Association, to discuss the options for the allotment lease. The clerk emailed Laura Venn of Hambleton Legal services to discuss the £157 payment for the rent renewal and is awaiting a response.

Jubilee Celebrations: The clerk will contact Melsonby School to look at ideas.

Footpath: The footpath area is currently left as tractor marks and it was decided to keep an eye on it and check that the crop along the route is sprayed later.

Planning: There was a discussion about the refused planning application for photovoltaic cells on a listed building on East Road. The residents will be appealing the decision.

Finance: The clerk suggested that the many financial issues should be discussed separately at a finance meeting to be held on 14th Dec. The clerk will form an agenda and the meeting will consider expenses ready for setting the precept in Jan 2012. It was considered a possibility to allocate £100 to the Melsonby Community Enterprise.

Clerk’s Report: The clerk’s report had been circulated prior to the meeting giving planning and financial details.

Village SOS grant application & consultation:  The clerk invited Julie Hawskby & Sally Williamson to explain the progress on the Village SOS grant application. This was met warmly and it was agreed by all that the way forward was to create Melsonby Community Enterprise as a group.

Cleaning the beck:  The clerk will contact the residents by the beck to clean their area of beck. The clerk will write to the resident who has a large willow tree overhanging West road and the beck to request that it is pruned.

Vandalism: PC Wilbor attended the meeting and spoke about the current vandalism situation and the youths in the village who have been upsetting residents until 3am. He stated that there has been a general decline in crime for the last 3 months, but noted that some metal had been taken and that the church windows had been damaged. He emphasised that it is important to report crime immediately.


i)Cllr Nixon mentioned that he had filled in the holes left by the machinery on the village green.

ii) Brian Hird had contacted the chair and the clerk regarding the waste from grave digging. The clerk will contact the local funeral directors to ask that grave diggers deal with the soil and not leave it in the church yard.

The meeting closed at 9-05pm.

The next meeting will be January 11th 2012 (note change of date)  in the school hall.

 Christmas Decorations

Most households make a big effort to decorate their homes for Christmas, so to make a really cheerful splash in the village, wouldn’t it be festive if everyone put at least one star in a window that looks onto the road?

Carol Singing

Anyone who would like to sing Carols round the village after Santa visits on Sunday 18th Dec., please meet up at the Black Bull. Time to be confirmed. Come with a lantern and a musical instrument if you have one!

Members of the public are always welcome at any of our meetings, but if you want to raise a matter, please contact the clerk beforehand.

October 2011

Welcome to this issue of our bi-monthly newsletter, giving information about what is going on in Melsonby, what happened at our Parish Council Meetings and general information that we think you might need.

Your Parish Councillors are:

Jan Archer, Vince Elrington, Judith Stansfield, Barry Conachy, William Nixon and Gordon Angus and the Clerk is Liz Donoghue.

Your County Councillor is Michael Heseltine and your District Councillor is Jimmy Wilson-Petch.

Visit the website at:

If there are any groups or clubs that would like to have their information and details of events on the website, please send an email to the parish clerk at:

Many thanks to Graham Court who has very kindly offered once again to deliver this newsletter to all of the houses in the village.

Our last meeting was held on 5th October 2011.

Copse: Cllr Nixon stated that the elderberry trees are overhanging the road and wished the clerk to confirm that he could cut them back.

Wall in St James:  A complaint had been received regarding the building of the wall.

Risk Assessment: As part of the audit a financial and operational risk assessment is required. The clerk will communicate with Cllr Angus over the preparation of this.

Parish Plan & survey: Cllr Stansfield gave an update on the survey and has a number of volunteers working for her. She believes she has 50% of the village population covered by the survey. She noted the need to access the SOS grant for Villages in need, by 20th October. A meeting will be set up between Cllr Stansfield, the clerk, Sally from the pub and Julie Hawksby who has knowledge of grant applications.

Traffic calming measures: Clerk is to contact PC Wilbor and NY Police Safer Neighbourhoods Team for an update.

Hedge on corner of St James: A neighbour trimmed the hedge and it is much better.

Holes in Village Green: Cllr Stansfield had filled them, but it had sunk in so Cllr Nixon will do this again.

Noticeboard: A new notice board is needed for the village green. The clerk had some examples and prices. Cllr Elrington will get a quote for a board, and Cllr Wilson-Petch and Stansfield suggested the Area Partnership for a grant.

Quoits: It was agreed that £50 would be given to Sally Williamson for helping set up the quoits club in the village. This is to be matched by the Sports day Committee.

Church Yard Bin: The PC pay the bill for the collection of the bin at the church yard and have responsibility for it being put out. The clerk will write and thank Stephen Harwood who has put the bin out for collection for a number of years. The PC is looking for a new volunteer.

Village green wall: The clerk has got a quote from NewRoc and John Proudlock.

A66 crossings: Cllr Stansfield confirmed that no primary school buses would cross the A66, and that there is a letter in Melsonby School to show bus drivers before they take children out of school.

New Parish Councillor:

Gordon Angus was co-opted onto the Parish Council prior to the start of this meeting. The Parish Council was delighted to have two local people interested in the position and will be pleased to call upon Julie Hawksby’s areas of expertise in possible sub-committees. Julie was happy to do this.

Planning: There was a discussion about the planning application for Hang Bank and a site visit had been organised. It appeared that the development was to be a lot smaller than previously thought and quite well hidden, and therefore there were no objections to the planning application.

Finance:  The clerk noted the large expenses, such as the wall and cleaning the beck and that in future things like grass cutting costs need to be looked into. It was decided to hold a separate meeting to discuss possible alternatives to grass cutting and play park inspection costs.

Mobile post office van: Liz Morgan from PO had been in contact with the clerk so that a discussion could be had regarding the possibility of using the pub for a PO service.

Library Service: Cllr Stansfield has found a resident who would be willing to run a library outlet from the pub. Together with the clerk, they will visit Hudswell pub to see how it runs its’ library service. A date is to be arranged.

Play parks: A draft consultation document was emailed to the councillors before the meeting. The clerk would like comments returned so that she can put together a response by the deadline of the end of the month.

Allotment Lease: The expected increase in the rent from £110, to at least £250 had come about because of a failure by RDC to collect the correct rent for the last 6 years. This was not being reclaimed by RDC.

Jubilee Celebrations: Cllr Stansfield mentioned that it would be helpful to other parishes if each parish let others know what they are going to do to celebrate this event. The clerk will contact the Sports Day Committee for ideas.

Vandalism: Cllr Stansfield presented photographs of the recent vandalism to the church windows and phone box and also to the disrepair of the village signs. The PC will look into getting the village signs replaced. Residents had also had milk taken. The clerk will again contact PC Wilbor and ask for a police report for the November 16th meeting.

AOB: A resident had emailed Highways about the state of the road and potholes on East Road as it exits the village. The clerk will contact Mike Woodford about this. It was noted that the field by the church  seems to have been completely ploughed leaving no footpath. The clerk will contact the owners to ensure that the footpath is put back. A letter was received from residents about  the state of the beck. This will be discussed at the next meeting. Cllr Heseltine explained about his new circular Bulletin he is sending round, and reported on the main points.


The Parish Plan Consultation is beginning to take shape and thank you to all those who have returned their surveys.

The preliminary results from the survey show that there is overwhelming support (89%) for some shop/PO facility and the development of a community facility providing a range of activities for everyone, but especially for young and retired people. Responses to potential activities in a facility were: Children’s parties (28%); Youth club (23.6%); Private Events (45.8%); Seasonal events (52.6%); Art Group (22.9%); Drama Group (15.2%)

Parking is an issue in parts of the village, 17% saying it is inadequate and at least 71 vehicles being parked on the road. 76% of the responses were for the parking being adequate for the households’ own use, but there were many comments that there were problems accommodating visitors’ cars.

The potential demand for affordable housing is 18 in the next two years and 38 in 2-15 years’ time.

Offers of help have been good: committee (19); organising fundraising (13); supporting fundraising(61); loans and donations (33) and we look forward to taking up your offers in the not-too-distant future!

There is still time for you to contribute to the data by returning your form to Judith Stansfield (24 East Rd) or you may have a replacement one if yours is misplaced.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.55pm.

The next meeting will be November 16th 2011

JULY 2011

The Village Tidy Gardens Competition will be judged during the first week in August.  Prizes will be awarded at the Produce Show.

Village Produce Show  will be held on Saturday August 20th in Melsonby School hall Look out for more information & in the meantime children & adults can be thinking about their entries.


Anyone interested is to contact the chair Jan Archer & then  apply in writing to the clerk. Please come along to the next meeting and see whether it is for you.

The parish council’s last meeting was held on 13th July in the school.

Copse: Gary Hudson emailed the Official copy of the register of title in connection with the copse. It clearly states that the copse is the responsibility of NYCC. The clerk will contact Gary Hudson again to discuss this ownership and especially the maintenance of the land.

Wall in St James: Construction should be completed by the end of the week. The clerk will gain assurance that the site will be made good and cleared and the car park area rolled over and compacted.

Dog fouling: The school presented the PC with the completed laminated posters to display around the village. These will be displayed in the Parish magazine with a reminder that dog fouling is an offence that carries a £1000 fine. The clerk read out a thank you letter by the children, who offered further help to the PC.

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Planning issues at High Merrybent: The PC were happy with the response from Planning regarding the granting of the planning permission and the assurance that vehicle numbers would not increase or use the village for access.

Accounts to auditors: The clerk was phoned by the auditors and shared the information with the PC. The auditors were very happy with the use of the reserves on the wall, but requested that a financial and operational risk assessment is carried out this year. This will be actioned by contacting our local NAWK.

The clerk clarified the September PC meeting date and it was decided that the next meeting would be October 5th due to some holiday dates in September.

Parish Plan & survey: Cllr Stansfield gave an update on the survey and has a number of volunteers working for her. She noted it was interesting and commented on the amount of time it was taking, because people are interested.

Tidy Gardens Competition: The prize money envelopes were given to Cllr Ellrington to give out on show day on 20th August.

Vandalism: Two incidents were noted; fence damage and children using residents paths to gain access to the playpark and the workmen’s Portaloo was tipped over.

Traffic calming measures: The speed matrix had been deployed in the village and NY Police Safer Neighbourhoods Team will undertake some speed enforcement action along Moor Road.

Hedge on corner of St James: Jimmy W-P will contact RDC. Planning: There was a discussion about the planning application for Hang Bank and a site visit is to be organised. Finance: The clerk noted the large expenses recently as bills had come in for the village green tree work, cleaning the beck and also the current building of the wall.  It was noted that there remained holes in the green where the digger feet had been. The clerk will contact Stampapoint who cleaned the beck out to make good the holes. Also it was considered that a new notice board is urgently needed. The clerk will look into this as information on boards had been researched previously.

QUOITS Sally is very keen to restart the Quoits club, run from the Black Bull. The clerk informed the PC of the issue over insurance and it was decided that the clerk would again contact Zurich Insurance to see if the use of the quoits pitch could be added on to the village insurance, as is done with the Village Produce Show. Sally will keep a note of expenses and receipts and will write a plan of usage so that grant funding can be sought. The clerk will contact the Sports day committee for possible funding and also try to access Area Partnership funding too.

Mobile post office van: The PO have assured us that the mobile service will continue until the end of the Autumn. The clerk is to investigate the possibility of other routes coming to Melsonby.

Churchyard bin collection: It was reported that Stephen Harwood puts out the bin for collection and has done so for 5 years. He has asked if the PC can deal with this as the PC pay for the bin collection. Cllr Archer will investigate this further.

Village green wall: The village green wall by the electricity substation is in a state of disrepair. A quote has been received from Newroc and the clerk is to contact John Proudlock for a quote to compare.


Mobile Library services are to be withdrawn as part of a bigger cost cutting exercise and the library service are looking for outlets for book boxes. The clerk will ask Sally if she would consider a book box at The Black Bull.

Michael Heseltine letter made reference to the dangerous crossings on the A66. It was noted that the school governors have discussed the need to clarify the bus route with bus companies who use the crossing. The clerk will inform M Heseltine of this information.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.25pm Thhe next meeting will be October 5th 2011

BEWARE: there has been a report of phonecallers wanting computer information. Do not give out your details over the phone.

Congratulations to the sports committee for organising a great sports day again this year.  It was wonderful to see so many children taking part in the events.   The committee certainly excelled themselves and there have been reports that this was the best one so far! Well done! There are some great photos too on the Melsonby Sports facebook page and the Melsonby Parish website.



Visit the website at:    If there are any groups or clubs that would like to have their information and details of events on this website, please send an email to the parish clerk at:

MAY 2011

The village sports day will be on Saturday 25th June. Also there will be an evening do in the marquee!

Look out for signs around the village.

If anyone would like to volunteer to help out on Sports day it would be greatly appreciated, please contact Christine Chilton on Tel: 01325 718073

Tidy Gardens Competition

Our Tidy Gardens Competition will be judged during the first week of August 2011. A judge will walk around the village during the week and look at the gardens. Prizes are awarded at the Produce Show. All gardens that can be seen from the road are looked at and there are different classes, so any well tended gardens have a chance.

Our ANNUAL PARISH MEETING and AGM were held on Wednesday 18th May 2011

Cllr Archer was nominated by Cllr V Elrington & seconded by Cllr W Nixon and will continue as chair person.Cllr Elrington was nominated by Cllr W Nixon and seconded by Cllr J Archer and will continue as vice-chair person.

Copse: There was further discussion over the registration of the land and the RDC (Rural District Council which was devolved in 1970’s). The clerk is to contact Gary Hudson again to discuss the ownership and maintenance of the land.

Wall in St James: The latest quote was considered a reasonable price and so the PC agreed to go ahead.

Fence around playing field: The meeting with Gary Hudson resulted in an agreement that RDC would replant the gaps in the hedge and Gary would speak to owner of field about the gaps in the fence and the barbed wire.

Dog fouling: Cllr B Conachy talked to Melsonby School and as part of a project on the environment the school children have designed some new posters to educate them and members of the village, about the issue of dog fouling. Look out for these around the village.

Planning: There was a discussion around the issue of the planning applications for grain storage by Waterloo farms for High Merrybent Farm. Concern was expressed about the scale of the storage and the resulting traffic movements.

Finance: There was discussion over the amount paid for additional gritting and Cllr V Elrington reiterated the need for additional grit fills to be signed for in the winter. The clerk had produced a set of accounts for the financial year that had been audited. The accounts were agreed and signed by the Chair and clerk. The accounts will now be sent off to the official auditors for checking and signing off.

Future Dates

July 13th Sept 5th Nov 16th

Jan 18th Mar 21st May 16th

Parish Plan & parish survey: Cllr J Stansfield shared her ideas for another survey to update the one done some years ago. She brought along a framework of things to be included and raised the idea of a questionnaire to be handed round the village. She hoped for some volunteers who could help get the questions completed at doorsteps.

Play areas: District Cllr Wilson-Petch gave information about the play parks and informed everyone that there is to be a total review and a new policy at District level. Any further discussions on the upkeep of play parks and future uses need to wait until the review has occurred.

New tree for Village Green: It was decided that no new tree would be planted.

Tidy Gardens: The judging is to take place during the first week of August. Prizes are to be: 1st prize £15, 2nd prize £10, 3rd prize £5.

Correspondence: The correspondence included a letter from RCSP explaining that the data logger that was deployed in the village on 28th April for one week had recorded speeds in excess of the 30m/hr speed limit and as a result the Safer Community Team would be conducting enforcement activity.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9-30pm.

Recent Vandalism: The village is unused to vandalism and it must have been big youths who moved the goal posts, heaving them over the hedge into the adjoining field. There have been reports of youths and noise in the play park behind the bungalows until 3am, and on the Green until midnight. The swings have been damaged and there is glass in the play park.

The PC would like to encourage people to report any incidents to the Police.


PC JOHNWILBOR  TEL: 0845 6060247

Visit the website at:

If there are any groups or clubs that would like to have their information and details of events on the website, please send an email to the parish clerk at:


Melsonby Parish Council is preparing a Village Plan which is a useful document when applying for grants for any development in the village. We still have the data from previous surveys, so there will be a short survey with questions to update certain aspects that may have changed.  The plan is to contact every household in the village to get responses (which may be anonymous if required), so we are looking for some volunteers to collect data from a few households.

If you are interested please contact Judith Stansfield at 24 East Road 01325 718139 or

CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU are visiting the village on June 1st from 1pm to 2-15pm

St James’Church Garden FÊte  Langdale House Saturday 18th June from 2pm

Entry £1 (children free)        Contact any Church Member or ring 718711 for more info

EXHIBITION DISPLAY BOARDS 2 sets of portable display boards are now available for hire from the John Ross Suite, Gilling West Village Hall.

Tel 0845 6448602 for further details

MARCH 2011


The village will celebrate the Royal Wedding on Friday 29th and Saturday 30th April with a scarecrow trail with a ROYAL theme.

Also “Tea” on the Green on Friday 29th April   Bring your own gazebos and food and spend the afternoon with   friends. (Weather permitting).

The annual School Duck Race will take place on Sunday 8 May 2011 at 2pm, starting opposite the school.  Ducks will be on sale soon, £1 each.  There are many prizes to be won.  Please support this great village event.

Our last meeting was held on 23 MARCH 2011

The Land Registry state that the Copse land up to the beck is registered and the beck itself is registered. The clerk is to confirm this information with RDC & NYCC. Discussion surrounded the need for maintenance of the wall and vegetation. The clerk reported the site meeting between the Environment Agency and ROC at St James’s Close . It was suggested that the wall be built of breeze blocks and stone faced, to lower cost, but there was still some discussion over the price. The clerk clarified costs of refills of grit bins and everyone was in agreement. Adopted bins will cost £85 to buy (if bin not already there), approx £20 to refill and £75 for bin and refill for RDC bins. The responsibility of the upkeep of the boundary fence is the owner of the field with the horses in and not RDC. RDC maintain the hedge and any gaps in it. There was concern over the state of the playing field surface and it was reported that there was glass and holes in the surface. The tree pruning on the Green went ahead as planned.  There will be further discussion with RDC about the situation of the play parks in the near future. The display of the proposed changes to the Conservation Area was held in the school hall. Comments are to be made by the clerk by 28-4-11. Dog fouling continues to present a problem on the Green. Residents are upset as dogs are let loose when children are playing on the green, fouling and bursting balls.

 Thank you to those responsible dog owners (including children) who control their dogs and pick up after them.

It was reported that the village would not qualify for Infinity (high speed broadband) but that N Yorks has £15M to spend. If you have not completed a survey form about the speed of your broadband then you can still get one from Judith Stansfield.

The village is going to do the Big Tidy Up again on Saturday 16th April from 9am till 12-00.  All residents who wish to sign up for a half hour slot may do so by filling in the form on the back of the newsletter. It is our responsibility that all residents wear reflective jackets and read the risk assessment which will  be available on the day. Please meet at the bus shelter near the Green at your chosen time.

The Parish Council and the Sports Day committee are holding a joint venture including  a scarecrow trail and tea on the Green. Anyone interested in making a scarecrow is to complete the form on the back of the newsletter and pay £1 entry which will go to the Sports Day fund. Scarecrows are to be in gardens on Fri 29th to Sat 30th April,  to be judged on Sat morning. On Sat 30th (weather permitting) on the green, individuals are welcome to bring food and gazebos and share a tea together with friends.

Various residents had contacted the clerk about rocks, potholes, manhole covers and non-functioning lights. Please be assured that all information has been passed to relevant bodies. This is actually a quick way of getting things done so thank you to all those vigilant residents who care about their local environment.  Well done!

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.10pm.

The date of the next meeting is the AGM 18.5.11 and will start at the slightly earlier time of 7pm in the school.

Visit the website at:

If there are any groups or clubs that would like to have their information and details of events on the website, please send an email to the parish clerk at:



Nominations are to be delivered by 4th April.




9.00 TO 9-30

9-30 TO 10-00

10-00 TO 10-30

10-30 TO 11-00

11-00 TO 11-30

11-30 TO 12-00










Visit it at:  

If there are any groups or clubs that would like to have their information and details of events on the website, please send an email to the parish clerk at:


Hours of service are:

Tuesday 1-30pm to 3-30pm

Wednesday 2-30pm to 4-30pm

Our last meeting was held on 19 January 2011

The issue of the copse continues. Land Registry required to know what is on the land & what has the parish done with the land? A new OS map is to be completed for the Land Registry and Cllr Nixon is to aid with this. Information on the maintenance is to be sent to the Land Registry by the clerk. Maintenance has included chopping of bushes, maintenance of walls and trees for a period of approx 10 years.

The clerk reported of a discussion with planning regarding the building of a wall in St James’s Close. The Environment Agency do flood zoning of small becks and the clerk is to contact them for info related to flood risk and invite them to a site meeting.

The 2 grit bins which the village have “adopted” have been empty during Dec-Jan. It remains unclear when these are being filled. It is notable that residents have commented on the lack of grit in these bins.

There remain holes in the fence which backs on to the horse field.

The clerk reported that the next Speed matrix meeting is on 28th January and the position of all deployments would be discussed.

The planning permission has been granted to allow the tree pruning to go ahead.

There was a discussion around the position of the mobile Post Office van. It is to be on the Aldbrough road, opposite the phone box and post box for reasons of best signal. Please could the space be kept clear on the afternoons of Tuesday and Wednesday to allow the van to park.

Ideas were discussed for a celebration of some sort to commemorate the Royal Wedding on April 29th. If you have any thoughts we would welcome them.

Cllr Stansfield has secured funding for display boards for a proposed photographic competition and other displays. Look out for separate information on this.

  • A further parish councillor is still required.  An advert has been on the notice board. No one came along or has applied and so the Parish Council will co-opt someone on to the committee.
  • Please could the space be kept clear opposite the post box and telephone box on the afternoons of Tuesday and Wednesday to allow the van to park.
  • We ask householders to kindly consider clearing paths of snow, outside their own house during periods of snow.

Please see articles on What        can I do to help clear the snow? And will I be held liable if someone falls on a path I have cleared?

  • A BIG thank you to Andrew & Mark Everard for clearing the snow.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.30pm.


PC J Wilbor wished us all a Happy New Year and said that he and PC R  Allen were here for us to contact if necessary. There had been some criminal behaviour and this is listed in the “Parish”. Other issues included some isolated cases of taking oil from oil tanks, although this had not occurred throughout the district and was specific to Melsonby. PC Wilbor continues to be involved in the Volunteer watch Scheme.  Residents are to be aware of an intruder at a house at the top of Moor Road and are to be careful about locking doors. There have been reports of house callers stating that they are from “Northern Energy”, but residents are to be aware that they are not connected with Northern Energy and are to report anything suspicious.

 Have you any ideas how Melsonby can celebrate the Royal Wedding?


Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year

from your Parish

Melsonby Village Sports Day 100 Club results for November

  • 1st £30 Number 32 Millie Forster
  • 2nd £20 Number 27 Gary Horn
  • 3rd £10 Number 50 Gordon Angus

Our last meeting was held on 17 November 2010.
The new clerk will contact local solicitors for assistance regarding the copse.
The beck has now been cleaned, the only remaining part is beyond the bridge at the entrance to the village.
There was consideration of “no dog fouling” signs for the village green, rather than the church.
The clerk had received quotes for building a wall at the back of the car park at St James Close. She will write to RDC, NYCC to inform them that this was going to be done and also write to ROC accepting their quote. She will also look at possible grants from the Environment Agency.
The pump in the flower bed had been repaired and Mr Conachy will paint it.
Clerk had written to NYCC Highways regarding the salt bins on Scots Dyke and Moor Road. The salt bins would be retained at a cost to the PC of £75 per bin. These would be monitored over the winter to check usage.
The clerk had emailed G. Hudson and he is to get Grounds Supervisor to inspect the fence around the playing fields.

A further parish councillor is still required. An advert is to be put in the newsletter. Councillors must have access to e mail.

Cllr Archer presented the clerk with a leaving gift, thanking her for her work. She also welcomed Mrs Donoghue as the new clerk.

The clerk’s report had been circulated prior to the meeting giving planning and financial details.
A letter had been received from Cllr Heseltine outlining that he would no longer attend all meetings, but he still wished to be sent the minutes.
No date has been set for the speed matrix machines. The clerk is to continue to contact Pat Wilson to set a date.
There will be a road closure of the Barton slip road 8pm-6am Dec 7 and Dec 8. This is to be placed in the newsletter.
The tree pruning on the green had been postponed until the necessary permissions had been received from RDC. The contractor had been very helpful and would be contacted again once the work could re-start.

Correspondence was available at theCouncil  meeting.
In response to a letter, the parish council agreed to donate £35 to the Citizen’s Advice Bureau.

J. Wilson-Petch brought the Broadband review to everyone’s attention. At least 15 volunteers are needed to complete the review. Cllr Stansfield was aware of the review and will provide forms for those interested. The review is to be mentioned in the newsletter.

J. Wilson-Petch had attended the NYCC Comprehensive Spending Review meeting. A discussion took place of issues surrounding services and in particular the use of the buses with OAP bus passes.

Cllr Nixon made reference to the continuing problem of raw sewage arising from a man-hole cover and the necessary cleaning operation on 2 occasions. This has been logged with RDC Environment services and the matter will be monitored.

Cllr Stansfield had written to William Hague about the lack of PO services. He had in turn written to the Post Office about this. A meeting has since been made for 9.12.10 with PO.

Cllr Stansfield wished to apply to North Richmondshire Community Partnership for display boards to be used for a proposed area photographic competition.

Cllr Stansfield wondered about the idea of setting up a Parish Council website. The clerk pointed out that minutes are currently uploaded onto the RDC website, but members of the council felt it could be useful in promoting events in the village.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.35pm.



Temporary road closure of the slip road from A1 northbound—B6275 interchange at Barton.

20.00 Mon 6 Dec to 06.00 Tues 7 Dec and
20.00 Tues 7 Dec to 06.00 Wed 8 Dec 2010


Low temperatures and snow continue to affect the country.While the severe weather continues, road users are advised to prepare for their journey and to check road and weather conditions before they travel.
Please check that your neighbours who live alone are OK.


Richmondshire’s Scrutiny Committee is currently looking at broadband provision across the District. To help the Committee undertake an audit, we are asking residents to test their broadband speeds during the month of December.
This initiative could be very important to improve the speed of our broadband, so please take the time to test your speed the results to Penny Hillary at RDC.
To do this, go to the Council’s homepage: and follow the Broadband link.
You can download your own form or get a copy from J Stansfield 24 East Rd

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